Alpha 0.4.0 Demo of USC: Counterforce brings dedicated melee weapons and many various fixes!

Hello Commanders,

Version 0.4.0 (Alpha 4) of the Demo is now available. It brings many fixes to various issues large and small encountered since the last version, small balance changes, and finally, dedicated melee weapons!

Bashing a worm with the stock of your assault rifle is not the real way to go. Now you can try a bit more sophisticated approach with a fine selection of tools:

-- the USCF CK-20 combat knife,

-- the KS TPR-6A "Raskolnikov" frontier axe,

-- the Hypnos R2 stun baton,

-- and the YSW Masamune-series E4 katana.

A riot shield is also available as an off-hander if you're willing to sacrifice some mobility for defense.

Please note that the rules of melee combat slightly differ from that of ranged combat. Scoring a hit is much easier from fully, or at least from partially behind your target. With the dedicated melee weapons, you can also cause debilitating hits that weaken the enemy and more bleeding wounds. Their main strength is, however, is that they provide a MUCH better Melee Defense Value, especially in Defense Mode.

Critical hit calculations for ranged hits have been changed; weapons with a high armor penetration should be able to function as before, while weapons with a low ArP are now prone to cause less damage against armored targets even if it's a critical hit.

A fully detailed Game Guide and Tutorial will be available in the future. Until then, feel free to experiment with all kinds of stuff!

Happy hunting! ;-)

Files 979 MB
Feb 23, 2022


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